.Are Driving and Texting PSAs really all that Effective?

Amanda Thousand

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Distracted driving has get more and more than prevalent largely in America. This has become so much so that at that place are at present many public service announcements well-nigh this. Information technology has been questioned whether they are effective and whether they accept made a deviation in real life. This matter is important because we depend on these announcements to spread sensation. This is of import considering it could forestall unsafe situations on the road. Many people believe that if a very large number of people have seen texting and driving PSAs, then those aforementioned amount of people will not text and drive. I disagree with this, because I think that public service announcements exercise reduce the number of people driving and texting, only they exercise not exercise enough considering there are withal many people who have seen the PSAs, just nonetheless text and drive anyways.    To explicate why PSAs don't do enough, nosotros demand to wait at one of the biggest reasons why distracted driving occurs. Texting and driving, mostly washed by teenagers, contributes to 1/4 of all distracted driving as discussed on Edgar Snyder and Associate's website. Texting and driving dangers as well make upwards lots of PSAs in America as in that location are as many every bit lately up to 97% teenagers who are aware of this message. Some people who disagree with my argument may say that this means that PSAs are working since almost every teen knows that you lot shouldn't text and drive. To this I say no, although many teens know that texting and driving is bad, many as half them still do it anyways with the main theory behind this beingness addiction according to Los Angeles'due south Safety 1st Driving School's website.     With nevertheless every bit much as half of teens still distracted behind the bicycle, this is why I think that public service announcements don't do enough. I recollect that if we modify these PSAs and/or find other solutions like getting to the root of the problem by encouraging the alter of dangerous driving habits, we could have safer roads.